Bootstraps, Really???
Some years ago, the local paper ran an article about a young man who decided to hop a train from Raleigh, NC to Charleston, SC with $25 in his pocket. Within six months, he...
Some years ago, the local paper ran an article about a young man who decided to hop a train from Raleigh, NC to Charleston, SC with $25 in his pocket. Within six months, he...
Our movements are restricted because of social isolation. With this comes all kinds of positive and negative feelings. Some of us finally have the time to do that house and/or yard work we’ve been...
Loving God, Holy One of our lives, we come to you with our heads bowed in shame. We have brothers and sisters who have no place to call home, who walk these very streets....
Myth Busters Compiled by Beth Templeton, 3.30.18 Based on Kathryn J. Edin and H. Luke Shaefer, $2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America, Mariner Books, imprint of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2015 Not...
One way I identify hidden voices is from the comments I receive through my work with Our Eyes Were Opened, Inc. One comment that I hear is: “If they’d just get a job, everything...
We will not, do not, or cannot hear the voices that are hidden in our community. We will not…hear hidden voices We stay within the confines of people more or less like us. We...
Creator of the World, help Mr. Trump find ways to listen to the tweets of real birds, beyond the interiors of buildings, endless meetings, and incessant voices. Amen
Gentrifying: House is purchased for income building Gentle-fying: House is purchased for neighborhood building Gentrifying: Security is based on locks, gates, and systems Gentle-fying: Security is based on friendships and watching out for each...
God of the Universe, our world is filled with people who call you by different names, who worship you in various ways, and who seek to follow you within their own culture and way of...
God of gods, the presidential oath ends with the words, “So help me God.” Instill these words into the recesses of Mr. Trump’s heart, mind, and soul so they become his earnest prayer. Amen ...
Holy God, it’s easy to make headlines. Heartlines are much harder. Help Mr. Trump create heartlines that connect him, heart to heart, with everyone, with each person he has been elected to serve. Amen ...
Such huge dollar amounts are being thrown around these days: $14 billion for a wall between the United States and Mexico or $1.5 million for one condominium on a site where a small mom...
Background of the Project: As I was thinking about the massive changes occurring in our country with even more to come, I thought about what I could do. I’ve received notices about getting involved...
How many tears does it take to decorate a Christmas tree? There are tears of joy for love for friends for family There are tears of grief for lost loved ones for dreams deferred...
Purpose: We rarely realize how dependent we are on all kinds of people. This exercise helps us see that our lives are enriched by many other people in ways we often do not think...
Have you ever thought deeply about compassion? It is a word I use a lot. In fact my mission statement says that I work to enlarge understanding in order to decrease judgment and increase...
When I facilitate the poverty simulation, participants are usually people who have resources who want to learn a bit about what it feels like to live in poverty. They willingly submit themselves to a...
“The task of prophetic ministry is to nurture, nourish, and evoke a consciousness and perception alternative to the consciousness and perception of the dominant culture around us.” — From Walter Brueggemann, The Prophetic Imagination...
An excerpt from Angelika’s Journal about her Christmas: December 1 We’ve left Ber-ber’s but we’re not where I had in mind. We now live in a shelter for women and children. Thank goodness my...
People ask me, “What can I do to help people who live in poverty?” and that’s always a hard question for me to answer. Each one of us has a particular passion or interest...