Beth Lindsay Templeton received the Order of the Silver Crescent, South Carolina’s highest civilian award for significant contributions, leadership, volunteerism and lifelong influence within a region or community. Majority Leader Bruce Bannister presented the...
In this thought-provoking assortment of stories, author Beth Templeton tells the tales of a composite of Biblical women using their own voices. In truth, she states quite frankly in her Introduction that each of...
On October 16, Beth Lindsay Templeton received the Order of the Silver Crescent. The Order of the Silver Crescent is South Carolina’s highest civilian honor for community service. It is awarded to residents of South...
The following excerpt from Angelika’s Journal was recently published on the New York State ASCD. Click here to view the article. September 6 I am so embarrassed. Our school tries its best not to...
Greenville Author Helps Parents Answer Tough Questions A child’s innocent questions sometimes catch a parent off-guard, and one such question prompted Greenville author Beth Lindsay Templeton to write a children’s book. The question was,...
The May 2013 issue of Educational Leadership (ASCD, May 2013, Vol. 70, No. 8, published an article by Beth, entitled: “ Why Is That Child So Rude?”. Click here to view the entire article....
Our Eyes Were Opened is helping Greenville see poverty in a new light. Through the years of working both with individuals and groups who want to help people who live in poverty, as well...
On having your eyes open, leaving judgment behind Beth Templeton has a new book out. Her second. The new book follows a five-part DVD collection. She’s done hundreds of workshops and events, reaching thousands...
Local Non-Profit Leader Releases Book to Help Educators Understand Poverty in the Classroom Our public schools are seeing a greater number of students living in poverty…students who approach life differently than those who have adequate...