In this thought-provoking assortment of stories, author Beth Templeton tells the tales of a composite of Biblical women using their own voices. In truth, she states quite frankly in her Introduction that each of her visitors comes to her on her porch, as a real being whom she can see. Each visit correlates to an episode in the author’s life that is challenging or sensitive. The visitor narrates an episode in her life known in Scripture. The stories of both author and porch visitor are framed in modern language that is fresh and arresting, making for an engrossing read. I liked the author’s care in depicting the voice and personality of each of visitors. In particular, I liked the dignity and diplomacy of the Queen of Sheba. I liked the courage and complete lack of bitterness shown by Rahab. I liked the preface the author gave to the narration of the witch of Endor, and I very much liked the visitor’s story that followed. How fascinating! This book is set up so that thought-provoking discussion questions follow each of the narrator’s stories. I found it helpful that Templeton provides a list of the other scriptural women who have visited her porch in the past and about whom she has written.