School Begins
August 12 When Ber-ber went to the store today, she picked up the list of the school supplies that we’ll need this year. I looked at the list and my heart just fell to...
August 12 When Ber-ber went to the store today, she picked up the list of the school supplies that we’ll need this year. I looked at the list and my heart just fell to...
Holy God, Proclaimer of Justice, are you awake? Ordinary folks who simply worked their jobs, Paid their bills, loved their children, Come seeking help. Their world has fallen apart Through no fault of their...
Volunteers are wonderful. Through my time at United Ministries and also now with Our Eyes Were Opened, Inc., I realized that I could not do the work I do without volunteers. Every time I...
Point: XYZ wants to require a pay stub each week OR a person will work in a government job. She’d also eliminate fancy car tire rims and stereos. Counterpoint: Assuming that people with tricked...
Someone shared with me comments about poverty that he found on a social media site. The writer’s opinions (referred to as XYZ) are strong and probably held by others. Because we all look at...
On January 7, 2014, the U.S. Census Bureau reported that nearly one third (31.6%) of Americans lived in poverty for at least two months between 2009 and 2011. Of the 37.6 million people who...
Back in 2004, a group of religious bodies endorsed what they called A Common Foundation: Shared Principles for Work Overcoming Poverty. I share them with you. A Common Foundation: Shared Principles for Work Overcoming...
This is one of the sights on the poverty tour. When a trailer park is the best housing a person can afford, that usually means that they are on the bottom of the rental ladder....