Areas Where OEWO, Inc, Events Happened:
- GEOGRAPHIC: Greenville, Rock Hill, York, Liberty, Spartanburg, Greensboro, Columbia, Clemson, and Chautauqua County, New York.
- GREENVILLE HEALTH SYSTEM: pediatric residents, Emergency Department residents, first year medical students, Med Ex, Cancer Institute, and Nurse-Family Partnership.
- COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES: Furman, Bob Jones University, and Greenville Tech. Beth also taught an eight-week course on the Psychology of Poverty at Furman’s OLLI.
- SCHOOLS: Liberty Middle, Greenville Middle, Fisher Middle, Monaview Elementary, Alexander Elementary, and Chautauqua County, NY, School Board Association.
- CIVIC GROUPS: Leadership Greer, Leadership Greenville, AmeriCorps, Junior League of Columbia, NC Public Housing Directors, and Greenville Partnership in Philanthropy.
- BUSINESSES: Don Pilzer Law Firm, and JM Robbins.
- CONGREGATIONS: Taylors First Baptist, Greenville Universalist-Unitarian Fellowship, First Baptist-Greenville, First Baptist-Clemson, Downtown Presbyterian, Fountain Inn Presbyterian, John Knox Presbyterian, Fourth Presbyterian, and Buncombe Street UMC. Beth also preached in seven congregations a total of 12 times.
Book Highlights
- The Christmas Strawberry and Other Stories came out just in time for Christmas.
- Conversations on the Porch and More Conversations on the Porch continues to be used for women’s Bible studies.
- Angelika’s Journal is used by Buncombe Street UMC in their Sprouts Sunday evening programs. Teachers use the book in book clubs and workshops.
- Loving Our Neighbor is a basic resource for churches involved in poverty work.
- Understanding Poverty in the Classroom continues to be a resource around the country.