God of Glory, King of Kings, the psalmist sings that you set the prisoners free, open the eyes of the blind, lift up those who are bowed down, love the righteous, watch over strangers, and uphold the orphan and the widow. You execute justice for the oppressed and give food to the hungry (Psalm 146:7-9). Help Mr. Trump align his leadership skills with the actions you value. Amen                       1.28.17

Dearest Lord, you know that leading people is not easy. Give Mr. Trump the strength he needs to lead rather than manage, to guide rather than goad, and to seek your will rather than push personal agendas. Amen        2.1.17

Wondrous God, it is so easy for humans to try to usurp your place as center of the universe. Help Mr. Trump to be aware of this temptation. Give him strength and wisdom to realize this. Amen     2.7.17

“Red and yellow, black and white, all are precious in his sight” says the song some children learned in Sunday School. Teach this song to Mr. Trump so he sings it in his soul and lives it in his decisions. Amen  2.11.17

God of the Lost and Forgotten, nudge Mr. Trump to care for those who are invisible in our world. Help him see those who others ignore. Help him to be a change agent for good for those who are so often forgotten.  Amen      2.17.17

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