I met a long haul truck driver who shared with me his personal ministry of caring for others. While he is out on the road, he writes articles of encouragement which appear in his church newsletter. He also makes copies which he keeps in his truck. As he meets other drivers who begin to share their lives, their struggles, and their concerns with him, he gives them one of his articles. He tries to choose the one which most closely connects with their personal situation. He said that when he sees some of those guys again, they ask, “Got another one of those articles for me?”

When we choose to serve God, we are often limited by our own understandings of what we can do. We think we must teach Sunday School, sing in the choir, visit shut-ins, or volunteer a with a nonprofit. All of those ways to serve are important. They are wonderful ministries for people who are blessed with the gifts which enhance these special ways of serving. The truck driver reminded me that we all can serve. We all can find what brings us joy as we reach out with love and compassion to others. I’d love to hear all the ways you are reaching out to neighbors in need as you live out your faith.

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