God of Swords Turned into Plowshares, implant in Mr. Trump a yearning for peace and not conflict in the world. Infuse his spirit with a passion for peace beyond our understanding. Amen       4.10.17

Background of the Project: As I was thinking about the massive changes occurring in our country with even more to come, I thought about what I could do. I’ve received notices about getting involved with various organizations that will work for certain issues that might be negatively affected with the new administration. I’ve thought about trying to ignore all the news about Donald Trump but that’s rather hard to do. Then the amazing holy light bulb went off. I could pray for Mr. Trump and I could invite others to pray for him also. The prayers would not be about specific pet projects or agendas facing our nation or groups of people I care about. They would not be about particular legislation. The prayers would be about the man, lifted up to God, and trusted into God’s wisdom and grace. If I truly believe in the gospel news, then prayer is where we each should start…not as a last resort but as a first.

I’ll post a prayer several times a week at first. I invite you to join in this prayer vigil for Mr. Trump. Please add your own prayers. They do not have to be long or even especially well written. They just have to be honest.

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