Hidden Voices (Part 6 in a six part series)
Hidden Voices (Part 6 of a 6-Part series) One other group of people whose voices are hidden are those who deal with severe mental illness and addiction issues. We’d like for people with mental...
Hidden Voices (Part 6 of a 6-Part series) One other group of people whose voices are hidden are those who deal with severe mental illness and addiction issues. We’d like for people with mental...
If we were watching live theater now, we’d see a crowd behind a scrim mumbling softly and then getting louder and louder. In the wings, we would hear the sound of buildings coming down...
One way I identify hidden voices is from the comments I receive through my work with Our Eyes Were Opened, Inc. I’ve heard: “He committed a crime. Why should I help him?” Formerly incarcerated...
One way I identify hidden voices is from the comments I receive through my work with Our Eyes Were Opened, Inc. I’ve been told: If they’d stop having children and were responsible for the...
One way I identify hidden voices is from the comments I receive through my work with Our Eyes Were Opened, Inc. One comment that I hear is: “If they’d just get a job, everything...
We will not, do not, or cannot hear the voices that are hidden in our community. We will not…hear hidden voices We stay within the confines of people more or less like us. We...