
Forgiveness is one of those church words that we hear a lot about. When we pray the Lord’s prayer, we say, “Forgive us our trespasses/debts as we forgive our debtors/those who trespass against us.”...

The Seed

The Seed  I remember being in a beautiful packet with others who looked like me. Sometimes we wondered what was outside our dark pouch. We’d hear noises. “O-o-o, look at this one! It’s so...

2019 Annual Report

Our Eyes Were Opened, Inc. Annual Report 2019  Areas Where OEWO, Inc, Events Happened: GEOGRAPHIC: Greenville, Easley, Pickens, Anderson, Clemson, Savannah GA. PRISMA HEALTH SYSTEM: Med Ex COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES: Furman, Clemson, and Anderson...