When I switch from the 2014 calendar to the pristinely clean pages of my new 2015 calendar, everything seems a possibility. The past year with both joys and concerns is done and the new year still has lots of open spaces to fill. On some deep level, the start of a new year offers those visions of a new world spoken of in Revelation 21 where there will be no more death, where mourning and crying and pain will be no more. Wouldn’t that be something!
Three of the visions I have for 2015 are:
- People in Greenville commit to having a safe and affordable home for every person in our community, especially those who cannot sign long term leases because of poor credit, mental health issues, criminal background, or sporadic income. I dream that those with the capability and authority to do so will develop plans and raise money to make that happen.
- Leaders in our community decide that transportation–for people who are dependent on public transportation as well as for those for whom it would be a convenience and/or an environmental bonus–can be accomplished and do what it takes to make it so.
- People will open themselves to enlarging their understanding of poverty so they will decrease judgment and increase compassion. When we can hang in there, listen to each other, try to understand each other and stop judging each other, then truly amazing things can happen.
We, on our own and without God’s help, will never get to a place of no mourning, no crying, and no pain. We certainly can’t do it alone, but we CAN address some of the needs with God’s help and with commitment to change our community for the good of everyone who lives here. With whom might you speak about your visions for this new year?